Last month’s hoopla around Lindsay Lohan’s alleged plastic surgery is a major learning lesson for brands if they’re paying attention…đź’ˇ
In celebrity land, it’s extremely common for men to get plastic surgery, but just as common for them to avoid any sort of scrutiny around the topic – certainly not to the extent Lohan received recently.
Why is this case? Well, the patriarchy and misogyny is alive and well and although we’re grateful to see people are finally starting to call out this sort of hypocrisy, none of these call outs came from a brand.
You got it – of the countless brands that claim to support women, not a single brand stepped up to call out the blatant misogyny that was torpedoing major news outlets.
So here’s the lesson; any brand that sells to women and wants to authentically relate to them, it’s time be *real*.
Women are subjected to misogyny and the patriarchy in almost every aspect of their lives. You want to sell to them? You want them to love your brand? You want to be authentic? Stop avoiding the tough conversations and stand up for them – use your platform and you’ll find that making change and making money go hand in hand.
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